Thursday 31 October 2013

Youtube - Violet Box - October Review

I have taken to YouTube to talk about what I received in this months Violet box! I would love for you to check it out and let me know your thoughts. 

Until Next Time,
Beck xxx

Sunday 27 October 2013

GHD - Style Heat Protect Spray

If you have ever watched a hair tutorial on YouTube you will hear how important heat protection is.

I will admit, I am slightly lazy where the application of heat protection is concerned however, I've recently started using the GHD Style - Heat Protect Spray and I’ve noticed a real difference in my hair.

I received this in a sample box a while back and never really gave it the time of day because… you know how it is. One day I decided to get fancy and use it, and while I didn’t necessarily notice a difference in the condition of my hair, I did  notice a difference in the actual finished product of my hair. I had less fly aways, and it seemed to have more of a shine.

This particular spray smells amazing – I’m a massive fan of the scent. Its fruity and has a slight hint of the fresh shower scent – which I adore!

It retails for around $24.00 and I will definitely be repurchasing this product when I’m out.

Has anyone tried any other heat protectants that they adore?

Until Next Time

Monday 26 August 2013

Rimmel London - Wake Me Up Concealer

In the color 030 Classic Beige
If you are anything like me, you will probably have a deep seeded hatred for Mondays. I'm not sure why I have this negative feeling but I put it down to the lack of sleep I get. Come Monday morning, instead of looking all refreshed and awesome, I'm generally more of a hot mess.

To try and combat this I recently purchased the Rimmel London Wake Me Up concealer!

I have tried the Wake Me Up Foundation (Look-e Here) but due to the sparkle, I feel as though its not always appropriate for the office. My office is rather casual so such a dewy finish is sometimes overstated, so I thought the concealer would be the happy medium.

I like this product, however, for me I don't know that it actually conceals, rather highlights. I use this under my eye and down my nose and it gives these areas a brighter finish.  It somewhat hides those pesky under eye circles and just brightens up the area.

I have to say though, when I first purchased it, I used it on blemishes and any redness I had, but I found rather than concealer these areas, it highlighted them more - which was not cute. So If you are looking for a product to strictly conceal, this probably isn't the best for you. 

It retails for around the $15 mark - which isn't too high considering it is a larger tube of product. 

All in all, even though I don't think it really 'conceals' I really like this product. Not sure if I will repurchase as yet, but a little goes a long way so don't think I will need to any time soon. 

Until Next Time, 
Beck xxx

Saturday 24 August 2013

Lush Lip Scrub - My Boy Lollipop, Bubblegum Flavor

Sweet Sweet Goodness! My New Love!
 This may sound creepy, but lips are one of the first things I notice about people. There is nothing worse than looking at people with manky, cracked, dry lips.

To avoid said manky, cracked lips, I recently purchased the lip scrub from 'Lush' in the flavor 'My Boy Lollipop' which is a bubblegum flavor.

As you can see, the packaging is just your standard lip tub - which is a good. It's 25grams and it's actually really sturdy. 

I wont lie, when you open this - the scent is amazing! Imagine a lolly shop with free samples everywhere! - this is what you smell. You know everything smells better when its free and to be honest, the product could be complete rubbish and I'd be in love from the scent alone!

Luckily for me however, it is amazeballs! It really exfoliates my lips and leave's them feeling smooth and smelling of amazingness!(What would a post from me be without the creation of a word or two) The only problem - I kinda want to eat it, like all of it, with the possible use of a spoon. I kid, but really - It smells good enough to eat!

This retails for $9.95 and also comes in another flavor 'Mint Julips - Pepperminty Scrub'. 

I will definitely be repurchasing this when I run out!

Has anyone used any other scrubs that I should check out?

Until Next Time, 
Beck xxx

Thursday 22 August 2013

Mini Lunch Time Haul

I am going to put it out there and say it - This week has been terrible!!

When my friend needed to go to priceline on our lunch break, I couldn't refuse. 

I will start this post by saying: Hello, My name is Beck and I have a problem - I am addicted to shopping, and not just any shopping but shopping for beauty supplies! 

So off we went to Priceline, I had every intention of just buying face wipes. Random I know, but I always like to keep a packet in my purse and mine had run out today so I needed to stock up STAT!

Once I got there, I knew I was fighting a losing battle so thought I would share with you the goodies I picked up. 

I will say this, Maybeline are having a 50% off sale - which lightened or lessened the blow on the wallet.
Yes this has been instagramed!

Maybeline Dream Pure BB Cream – For Combination Oily Skin. – On sale for $7.97
This BB Cream is all the rage on youtube and other blogs at the moment so I was really interested to try it, however, its been sold out at every priceline I've gone to. So when I saw the baby on the shelf I grabbed it! I got the color light, because…well I'm pretty pale! I will do a separate review on this shortly.

Maybeline Color Whisper – On sale for $7.47
I got the color 45 – Who wore it Red-er. I have heard so much hype about these products that I had to try it. This color seems to be one of the more pigmented from the range they had there.

Maybeline Super Stay Lip Liner – On sale for $7.47
I chose the color 46 – Red. I have been sporting a red lip a lot of late and haven’t been able to find a rep lip liner I like. With this being on sale I thought I’d give it a go.


Be Fresh Makeup Wipes - $4.99
I haven’t tried these before, but thought for the price I thought id try them out! I got the ‘sensitive skin’ formula, I find this to be the safer option when trying new brands.

So that's basically it! Is there anything I should be checking out next time I head to Priceline?

Until Next Time
Beck xxx

Beckham Signature - Perfume Review!

Shes pretty.. no?
I am just going to put it out there - I love David Beckham. I also really love Victoria and how she has transformed over the years.

When I saw ‘Beckham Signature’ on sale for $19 at Priceline it made sense for me to grab it and try it out!

First of all - I got the 50ml bottle and I think this design is really adorable. It isn't too complex or too fancy. It is your standard perfume bottle, which I think is nice. There is subtle metal detailing for the name plate on the front and they have created a lid to go with this theme. There is a slight floral pattern on the back of the bottle that really just gives the packaging a nice springtime feel. I'm a massive fan of the colour purple so naturally, this bottle sits well with me!

Now to the scent - I personally love it! In saying that I feel as though this wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.

 It is fruity with a hint of tang so it's not too sweet. It definitely reminds me of a summer/spring time scent as its light and fresh and reminds me of a cute floral skater dress! (does that even make sense)

For me, it is incredibly noticeable without being too overpowering. It lasts on my skin for a long time, which for me means I rarely have to reapply throughout the day!

I'm really happy with this impulse purchase. Not sure if I'm happy enough to repurchase, but for now I'm enjoying it!

Have you tried any of the other 'Beckham' fragrances?

Until Next Time, 
Beck xxx

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Fitness Update - Weekly Challenge #1

Preach Girl!
This is a different type of post than you would normally see from me BUT I have just come home from an amazing Personal Training session and I felt the need to write about some exciting new plans I have in relation to my fitness goals. 

A bit of a back story for you. I currently live super far away from my work - When I say super far, I'm really not being precious. At minimum it's 2hrs ONE WAY! Craycray right? 

Well, what this means is, I cant always get to a gym. By the time, I get to work, finish work, get home etc etc I have often done a 14hr day before dinner is even on the table.

So my amazing trainer (Ben at Anytime Fitness - he's a keeper) has come up with a great idea to help me stay on track with my goals. He also suggested I write about it somewhere so I can put it out into the universe - He's into that whole hippy new age universe stuff, and to be honest... secretly I kinda dig it!

So each Wednesday night When I come home, I will tell you all how my challenge for the week went and also, what my new weekly challenge is! Seems simple enough... right?

So for Week 1 the challenge its fairly simple:

Near my work there is a massive stair case. There are around 60 steps. I have to go up and down this, 3 times all at once! 

Seems simple enough right - I suppose its good to ease myself in for the first week.

The good thing with this is its a simple mindless task. The difficult thing - I'm extremely unfit and, well, really hate stairs. But, I am feeling empowered and determined. Also, I now have this post to keep me motivated!

I will return next Wednesday to write about my progress and to discuss my new challenge.

Does anyone have any challenge ideas? I'm up for suggestions to bring to the party! (Why did the Venga Boys just pop into my mind...?)

Until Next Time, 
Beck xxx