Tuesday 28 August 2012

Tight-Ass Tuesday!!

I always love reading about inexpensiveitems that work really well.

As quite the bargain hunter myself, Ithought each Tuesday I would embrace my inner 21 year old student self andrelive ‘Tightass Tuesday’ – but this time I’ll skip the pizza and beer! EachTuesday I will write about my recent inexpensive purchases and/or my favoritesale items!

So lets get started:

Recover - Anti-FatigueConcealer

It seems Rimmel is all about making us look awake!

 I recently picked this up at CosmeticFragrance Direct in Market City, Sydney for only $4 (Reduced from $10.50)

I chose the color ‘100 Ivory’ which worksreally well with my skin. It blends in nicely, but also gives enough coverage toreally hide those problem spots.

The packaging is… politely put, what youexpect for $4. But as long as the product is good, the packing is not somethingthat really bothers me, particularly when the product is under the $10 mark. 

When all is said and done, I think the product is okay, andwell worth the $4 I spent.

If you are in Sydney and find yourselfin China Town, I definitely recommend you check out Cosmetic Fragrance Direct,there are so many bargains to find in that store. I did a massive shop there, so expect many more posts and videos of my finds!

What are your fave ‘cheap’ products andwhere do you find them?

Until Next Time

Beck xx   

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